Whenever I recall my past it just makes me feel how stronger I have grown. A child learns to walk after so many falls and hurts. Though some fear and pain it trys so many times and the time comes that it learns to keep its first step and its search for new things around it with new experiances. Each step makes me stonger and each fall teaches my mistakes so that I learn, these mistakes shall never be repeated. My search for new meanings in life gives me new experiances. I believe that learnings are sharper and deeper through experiances than preachings. I came across so many people with so many personalities in different dimensions of life. Only few captured my heart! few left scars! rest were only passing clouds. Each personality taught me beautiful lessons which made me understand through my laughs and crys.
When things go out of hand, when it makes me so desparate. I always console myself saying "Everything that is happening is for good". The saying which I treasure the most valuble was a message delivered from the Gods. Ya my belief that angels come from heavens carrying message from Him to help people in their hardtimes through any forms.
When I am talking of laughs and crys it just reminds me of a saying "When you cry you cry alone. When you smile the whole world smiles with you". The second lesson of my life. Most of my life I wasted tears for no reason, I wasted tears for people who made me suffer, I wasted tears for worthless things. Then I realised why am I crying for? Did I lose anything? NO. I have actually gained true people, those who wished good things to happen.
I have not brought anything along with me to lose. Whatever the world has offered me throughout my life let it take back as I am not going to take anything with me when I am six feet under. In this short span of life let me enjoy and make others around me happy.
Creation<--Rules-->Destruction. A creator don't make rules when rules are made its the beginning of destruction. Ya rules are made by men and for a creation to happen these rules must be broken. But realise every creation must have an end as this is the rule of the Gods.
Its said "Nothing is permanent and nothing is yours forever" as everything around us is bound to changes and one has to accept this change to survive in this race. The one big lesson which I realised after a long struggle.
The last most important lesson awakened my spirit is "A stone which undergoes lot of beatings will shine as a diamond otherwise its just a stone". So to shine and sparkle in life you have to withstand those pains and criticisms for it will mould your personality. Think for yourself are you just a stone? or a Diamond?
"Become a Diamond and make this world realise that you are priceless!"
This is the Universal Law of Life.
Every happening is for a reason and all happenings are connected. Afterall Life is a Circle. Live it! You will realise!
13 years ago